Videos on Websites Growth of Popularity Pros/Cons

Videos on Websites Growth of Popularity Pros/Cons

Want to drive more traffic to your website? Of course you do!

As business owners, we’re all looking for ways to increase our exposure and find more brand ambassadors. And we’re always looking for ways to tweak our websites to put our products in front of a larger audience. 

Standard Website Design vs Full-Service Website Design

Standard Website Design vs Full-Service Website Design

So, with Smarketing being a digital marketing company in Knoxville, Tennessee, you could probably guess that we do a lot of websites. And you would be right! There is a white board in our office pretty much covered with a list of all the new websites being designed and developed for clients. And just so you know, Smarketing is not just a digital marketing company, the preferred engagement with clients is to act as their outsourced marketing department. That way we can get to know them, their target markets and work to develop their marketing “voice”. That allows just about anything into the clients marketing plans, including traditional and digital marketing.
